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Derek Johnson Population Ecology Lab
Why do populations fluctuate in time and space? Research in the Johnson Lab shares this common theme. We explore the ecological drivers of population dynamics by integrating empirical data analyses with theoretical models. We are interested in how local ecological processes scale up to create complex large-scale patterns of population dynamics and invasion. Forest pest insects are the model system, but research in the lab includes other applied questions that are conceptually-driven. We are particularly interested in questions motivated by species invasion, population outbreaks, climate change biology, and species conservation. Those interested in joining the Johnson Lab should browse our Research page. In addition, prospective graduate students can click to below button for more information on lab opportunities and the graduate programs at VCU.

Join the Johnson Lab. It will blow your mind!

Lauren Jurczak proudly displaying three spotted turtles captured in her research to understand the landscape ecology of these handsome creatures.
Recent Lab Publications
Chan et al. (2017) Letters in Biomathematics
Jones et al. (2017) Ecology & Evolution
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