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Derek Johnson Population Ecology Lab
Publication List
53) Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM, Johnson DM. 2023. Arthropod population dynamics at regional scales: Novel approaches and emerging insights. Current Opinion in Insect Science.
52) Johnson DM & Haynes KJ. 2023. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest insect populations under climate change. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 56:101020,
51) Johnson DM. 2023. (translated to Polish) The utility of models for evaluation and prediction of the effects of climate change on forest pests. in The Impact of Climate Change on the Forest Environment. eds. T Vesala, J Seppälä, A Kilpeläinen, T Heinonen, published by Forest Research Institute (Poland).
50) Nunez-Mir GC, Walter JA, Grayson KL, Johnson DM. 2022. Assessing drivers of localized invasive spread to inform large-scale management of a high-profile insect pest. Ecological Applications 32:e2538.
49) Walter JA, C Rodenberg C, Stovall A, Nunez-Mir G, Onufrieva KS & Johnson DM. 2021. Evaluating the success of treatments that slow spread of an invasive insect pest. Pest Management Science 77(10): 4607-4613.
48) Nunez-Mir GC, Walter JA, Johnson DM. 2021. Assessing risk of Lymantria dispar L. invasion management to monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Conservation Science & Practice.
47) Büntgen U, Gonzalez-Rouco F, Luterbacher J, Stenseth NC & Johnson DM. 2020. Extending the climatological concept of ‘Detection and Attribution’ to global change ecology in the Anthropocene. Functional Ecology 34(11): 2270-2283.
46) Walter JA, Sheppard LW, Venugopal PD, Reuman DC, Dively G, Tooker JF & Johnson DM. 2020. Weather and regional crop composition drive spatial synchrony of Lepidopteran agricultural pests. Ecological Entomology 45(3): 573-582. DOI: 10.1111/een.12830.
45) Walter JA, Grayson KL, Blackburn LM, Tobin PC & Johnson DM. 2020. Spatiotemporal variability in Allee effects of invading gypsy moth populations. Biological Invasions 22(2) 189-193. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-019-02096-5.
44) Friedline CJ, Faske TM, Lind BM, Hobson EM, Parry D, Dyer RJ, Johnson DM, Thompson LM, Grayson KL & Eckert AJ. 2019. Evolutionary genomics of gypsy moth populations sampled along a latitudinal gradient. Molecular Ecology 28(9): 2206-2223. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15069.
43) Faske TM, Thompson LM, Banahene N, Levorse A, Quiroga Herrera, M, Sherman K, Timko SE, Yang B, Gray DR, Parry D, Tobin PC, Eckert AJ, Johnson DM & Grayson KL. 2019. Can gypsy moth stand the heat? A reciprocal transplant experiment with an invasive forest pest across its southern range margin. Biological Invasions:
42) Walter JA, Ives AR, Tooker JF & Johnson DM. 2018. Life history and habitat explain variation among insect pest populations subject to global change. Ecosphere 9(5): e02274.
41) Grayson, KL & Johnson DM. 2018. Novel insights on population and range edge dynamics using an unparalleled spatiotemporal record of species invasion. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:3 581-593. DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.12755.
40) Chan DM, Kent CM & Johnson DM. 2017. Management of Invasive Allee Species. Letters in Biomathematics 4:167-186.
39) Jones LR, Duke-Sylvester SM, Leberg PL & Johnson DM. 2017. Closing the gaps for animal seed dispersal: separating the effects of habitat loss on dispersal distances and seed aggregation. Ecology & Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3113.
38) Thompson LM, Faske TM, Banahene N, Grim D, Agosta SJ, Parry D, Tobin PC, Johnson DM & Grayson KL. 2017. Variation in growth and development responses to supraoptimal temperatures near latitudinal range limits of an expanding invasive species. Physiological Entomology 42:181-190. DOI: 10.1111/phen.12190. Royal Entomological Society Award for Best Paper Published in 2017/18 in the journal Physiological Entomology.
37) Walter JA, Grayson KL & Johnson DM. 2017. Variation in Allee effects: evidence, unknowns, and directions forward. Population Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s10144-017-0576-3.
36) Sezen Z, Johnson DM & Shea K. 2017. Individually-mark mass-release resight study elucidates effects of patch characteristics and distance on host patch location by an insect herbivore. Ecological Entomology 42:273-282. DOI: 10.1111/een.12383.
35) Colteaux BC & Johnson DM. 2017. Commercial snapping turtle harvest: export, trends, and the efficacy of size limits at reducing harvest pressure. Journal for Nature Conservation 35:13-19.
34) Walter JA, Johnson DM & Haynes KJ. 2017. Spatial variation in Allee effects influences patterns of range expansion. Ecography 40(1): 179-188. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.01951.
33) Walter JA, Finch FT & Johnson DM. 2016. Re-evaluating fall cankerworm management thresholds for urban and suburban forests. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 18(2): 145-150. DOI: 10.1111/afe.12147.
32) Thompson LM, Grayson KL & Johnson DM. 2016. Forest edges enhance mate-finding in the invasive European gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 158(3): 295-303. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12402.
31) Allstadt AJ, Liebhold AM, Johnson DM, Davis RE & Haynes KJ. 2015. Temporal variation in the synchrony of weather and its consequences for spatiotemporal population dynamics. Ecology 96(11): 2935-2946. DOI: 10.1890/14-1497.1.
30) Grayson KL, Parry D, Faske T, Hamilton A, Tobin PC, Agosta SJ & Johnson DM. 2015. Performance of wild and laboratory-reared gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) populations: A comparison between artificial diet and foliage. Environmental Entomology 44(3): 864-873. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvv063
29) Walter JA, Johnson DM, Tobin PC & Haynes KJ. 2015. Population cycles produce periodic range boundary pulses. Ecography 38: 1200-1211. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.01364.
28) Allstadt A, Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM & Johnson DM. 2013. Long-term shifts in the cyclicity of outbreaks of a forest-defoliating insect. Oecologia 172: 141-151. DOI 10.1007/s00442-012-2474-x.
27) Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM & Johnson DM. 2012. Elevational gradient in the cyclicity of a forest-defoliating insect. Population Ecology 54(2): 239-250. DOI: 10.1007/s10144-012-0305-x.
26) Albert JS & Johnson DM. 2012. Diversity and evolution of body size in fishes. Evolutionary Biology 39(3): 324-340. DOI: 10.1007/s11692-011-9149-0.
25) Johnson DM, Büntgen U, Frank DC, Kausrud K, Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM, Esper J & Stenseth NC. 2010. Climate warming disrupts recurrent Alpine insect outbreaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 20576-20581.
24) Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM, Fearer TM, Wang G, Norman GW & Johnson DM. 2009. Spatial synchrony propagates through a forest food web via consumer-resource interactions. Ecology 90:11 2974-2983.
23) Tobin PC, Robinet C, Johnson DM, Whitmire SL, Bjørnstad ON, Liebhold AM. 2009. The role of Allee effects in gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), invasions. Population Ecology 51(Sp. Iss.): 373-384.
22) Büntgen U, Frank D, Liebhold A, Johnson D, Carrer M, Urbinati C, Grabner M, Nicolussi K, Levanic T & Esper J. 2009. Three centuries of insect outbreaks across the European Alps. New Phytologist 182: 929-941.
21) Haynes KJ, Liebhold AM & Johnson DM. 2009. Spatial analysis of harmonic oscillation in intensity of gypsy moth outbreaks. Oecologia 159:249-256.
20) Albert JS, Knouft KH & Johnson DM. 2009. Fossils provide better evidence of ancestral body size than do extant taxa in fishes. Acta Zoologica 90: 357-384.
19) Jang S R-J & Johnson DM. 2009. Dynamics of discrete-time larch budmoth population models. Journal of Biological Dynamics 3(2-3): 209-223.
18) Bjørnstad ON, Liebhold AM & Johnson DM. 2008. Transient synchronization following invasion: revisiting Moran's model and a case study. Population Ecology 50: 379-389.
17) Tobin PC, Whitmore SL, Johnson DM, Bjørnstad ON & Liebhold AM. 2007. Invasion speed is affected by geographic variation in Allee effects. Ecology Letters 10: 36-43.
16) Johnson DM, Tobin PC, Liebhold AM & Bjørnstad ON. 2006. Allee effects and pulsed invasions by the gypsy moth. Nature 444: 361-363. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Read, media coverage in National Geographic Online, New Scientist, Science Daily, and Associated Press
15) Johnson DM, Liebhold AM & Bjørnstad ON. 2006. Geographical variation in the periodicity of gypsy moth outbreaks. Ecography 29: 367-374.
14) Johnson DM, Bjørnstad ON & Liebhold AM. 2006. Landscape mosaic induces traveling waves of insect outbreaks. Oecologia 148(1): 51-60.
13) Liebhold AM, Johnson DM & Bjørnstad ON. 2006. Geographic variation in density dependent dynamics impacts the synchronizing effect of dispersal and regional stochasticity. Population Ecology 48: 131-138.
12) Johnson DM. 2005. Metapopulation models: an empirical test of model assumptions and evaluation methods. Ecology 86(11): 3088-3098.
11) Inouye BD & Johnson DM. 2005. Larval aggregation affects feeding rate in Chlosyne poecile (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Florida Entomologist 88(3): 247-252.
10) Johnson DM, Liebhold AM, Bjørnstad ON & McManus ML. 2005. Circumpolar variation in periodicity and synchrony among gypsy moth populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 882-892.
9) Johnson DM & Horvitz CC. 2005. Estimating postnatal dispersal: tracking the unseen dispersers. Ecology 86(5):1185-1190.
8) Johnson DM, Bjørnstad ON & Liebhold AM. 2004. Landscape geometry and traveling waves in the larch budmoth. Ecology Letters 7: 967-974. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Read
7) Johnson DM. 2004. Source-sink dynamics in a temporally heterogeneous environment. Ecology 85(7): 2037-2045.
6) Johnson DM. 2004. Life history and demography of Cephaloleia fenestrata (Hispinae: Chrysomelidae). Biotropica 36(3):352-361.
5) Johnson DM & Stiling PD. 1998. Distribution and dispersal of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an exotic Opuntia-feeding moth, in Florida. Florida Entomologist 81(1): 12-22.
4) Johnson DM & Stiling PD. 1996. Host specificity of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an exotic Opuntia-feeding moth, in Florida. Environmental Entomology 25(4): 743-748.
3) McCoy ED, Mushinsky HR, Johnson D & Meshaka Jr WE. 1996. Mangrove damage caused by Hurricane Andrew on the southwestern coast of Florida. Bulletin of Marine Science 59(1): 1-8.
2) Rossi AM, Stiling PD, Strong DR & Johnson DM. 1992. Does gall diameter affect the parasitism rate of Asphondylia borrichiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)? Ecological Entomology 17(2): 149-154.
1) Stiling PD, Rossi AM, Strong DR & Johnson DM. 1992. Life history and parasites of Asphondylia borrichiae, a gall maker on Borrichia frutescens. Florida Entomologist 75(1): 130-137.
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